
What is this?

Polite IE Warning is a super light-weight jQuery plugin that will - as the name suggests - give your users a polite note that the may want to swap internet explorer for a standards compliant browser.

  • Completely unobtrusive js
  • Wont ruin you user experience
  • Customise the versions of IE you want to target and the message displayed
  • Inverted colour way included
  • 1 line implementation


But why should I?

Its true that you should allow your content to be available to any browser on and device. But this crazy place we call the internet has advance so much, practically anything is possible - aslong as we dont have to target IE6!

Non standards compliant browsers are holding us all back and theres no real reason they should be, all the best ones are free.

So while we would never dream of excluding anyone from out content, if they want the full experience there gonna have to pull up there boot straps and get a real browser!

For more thoughts like this check out the PIMP (Progressively IMPressive) methodology 

How to use it

The easiest way its to simply ad this line of js (make sure its inside your document ready function).
This brings up the IE warning in its default settings, View this page in ie 7 or less for a demo.

Polite IE Warning can take two arguments:

  1. Version - The version number of IE that you want to target up to. I.E. 6 will show the warning on IE6 and less. Default = 7
  2. Message - The message you want displayed, HTML is allowed. Default = Your browser is a little old. To see me in all my glory get a shiny new one!
$(window).politeWarning(8, 'Hey, Douch Bag. get a real browser');